Казват, че не била важна целта, а пътят към нея.
За StoreGecko и двете са от еднакво голямо значение. Те са малка компания с голяма амбиция – да променят product information management така, че десетки хиляди мениджъри на онлайн магазини да не губят ценно време занимавайки се с дигитална бюрокрация. Тоест, искат да улеснят и подобрят живота на много хора. Избрали са пътя, който следват да е осеян с иновативни идеи, креативност, предизвикателства, мини сърдечни удари… Както и с отзивчиви и професионални колеги, няколко плюшени играчки разнородни датски бонбони и традиция за ежеседмична вечеря на целия екип.
Целта им е важна, но и пътят също.

Back end/PHP Developer

StoreGecko is an innovative startup company based in Sofia. Their main goal is to make product information management easy and fast. They are looking for a Back end/PHP developer to join our unanimous and friendly development team.
If You:
 have 3 to 5 years of experience working with backend technologies (preferably PHP5 OOP)
 are proficient with the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern, and have previous experience developing web applications using existing MVC frameworks (Laravel 4.x or Symfony2)
 have experience with relational databases (MySQL is preferred)
 have rock solid experience interacting with relational database systems through abstraction layer in addition to the ability to write raw SQL queries (ORMs – Eloquent, Doctrine 2; or Active records pattern)
 are experienced with distributed systems and multi-tier architectures
 are experienced with object-oriented programming and modeling
 have knowledge of Design patterns
 know SOLID
 know CRUD
 are experienced with RESTful services
 preferably have knowledge of SaaS projects
 have experience with configuration management and source control systems – Git (preferred), Subversion preferably have knowledge of SaaS projects
 have a keen interest in emerging technologies and how they might impact future design decisions and strategic directions

Do not hesitate for a moment to send your CV because They:
 offer you a chance to learn and grow along with the company
 enjoy and maintain an amicable working environment
 make sure our team members have work/personal life balance
 offer top salary
 have stuffed toys, Danish candy and awesome staff meetings

PHP/CMS Developer

StoreGecko, is an innovative startup based in Sofia. Their main goal is to make product information management easy and fast. They are looking for a full-time PHP developer with CMS experience to join our unanimous and friendly development team.
If You:
 will work with the StoreGecko team on new e-commerce projects; from initial business development and discovery phases through implementation and deployment of the completed projects
 will create custom ecommerce modules or other new functionality using object-oriented PHP and the Drupal or Magento APIs
 should be familiar with Drupal, Magento and other similar systems
 will work with StoreGecko designers to implement custom skins and templates for the front-end
 have significant PHP experience, including experience building object-oriented websites in PHP5
 are familiar with the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern and have previous experience developing web applications using this pattern or on existing MVC frameworks
 have solid experience interacting with MySQL database systems through abstraction layer (in addition to the ability to write raw SQL queries)
 have solid experience using PHP to create and consume web services (SOAP, XML_RPC) and/or other experience implementing data integrations within the platform
 have experience using Linux to maintain and configure Apache/MySQL web services. Additional Linux command line skills also a plus
 have keen interest in emerging technologies and how they might impact future design decisions and strategic directions
Do not hesitate for a moment to send your CV because They
 offer you a chance to learn and grow along with the company
 enjoy and maintain an amicable working environment
 make sure our team members have work/personal life balance
 offer top salary
 have stuffed toys, Danish candy and awesome staff meetings