[:bg]Представяме ви, 10-те селектирани стартъпа, които ще премерят сили този петък за спечелването на BETAPITCH | SOFIA vol.5. Всички те са обещаващи български компании, състоящи се от страхотни екипи.
Наградите, за които ще се борят тази година са |
- 3 месеца безплатно бюро в betahaus | Sofia
- място на betapitch | Global в Берлин | 2016
- Лого за компанията от Logowski
- 12 месеца безплатен хостинг за победителя и 6 месеца безплатен хостинг за останалите от Host.bg
- безплатно видео и бюджет за реклама от Netinfo
- pitch на голяма сцена на DigitalK
- интервю с победителя в Darik Radio
Стартъпите имат по 4 минути, за да впечатлят жури членовете. Те ще ги оценяват по 5 критерия – ТЕХНОЛОГИЯ, ЕКИП, ИНОВАТИВНОСТ, ПРЕЗЕНТАЦИОННИ УМЕНИЯ, БИЗНЕС МОДЕЛ.
А жури ще бъдат – Христо Христов, CEO на Netinfo; Атанас Райков, Генерален мениджър на Viber за Централна и Източна Европа и Директор Телеком партньорства; Парис Чилдрес, мениджър бизнес развитие на Google за България; Иван Такев, CEO на българската фондова борса; Бойко Ярамов, съосновател на Telerik и ръководител на Telerik Academy.
Генерален партньор на събитието за пети пореден път е Telerik, a Progress Company.
Виж стартъпите |
Officernd - Coworking space management platform for building prosperous communities and efficient workspaces.
Enhancv is a web platform that’s reinventing talent discovery by making job applications and job postings much more accurate and humancentric.
Windyweek - Highly accurate wind forecasts for windsurfers and kitesurfers available through an easy to use app.
ClaimCompass. They help air passengers receive a compensation when their flights have been delayed, cancelled or overbooked.
ShopUp – Web based platform for personalized targeting and offline customer analysis in retail sector.
Caret – They make a text editor, like Microsoft Word, but for a plain text format called Markdown.
Lucid – enables you to recreate your favorite photos into a magical artwork.
Tool.Domains – They have one of the largest databases of domain names and websites in the world.
Sugarwise – A mobile technology that puts an end to the healthy food scavenger hunt and learns to recommend to us the healthy foods we actually like.
BARIN – Wearable system for advanced tracking and analysis of the performance and physical condition of professional athletes and sports teams.
[:en]The selected startups that will pitch at BETAPITCH | SOFIA vol.5 this year are great. They are all Bulgarian and are very promising companies.
They will fight for |
- 3 months of free membership at betahaus for the winning team
- pitch at BETAPITCH | global in Fall 2016
- free logo and CI by Logowski
- 12 months free hosting for the winner and 6 months free hosting for others by Host.bg
- Free Video and Advertising budget by Netinfo
- Pitch at DIGITAL | K main stage
- interview with the winner at Darik Radio
All companies will pitch in front of 5 jury members. They will evaluate startups on five criteria – TECHNOLOGY, TEAM, DISRUPTIVENESS, PRESENTATION SKILLS, BUSINESS MODEL.
So, meet the jury – Hristo Hristov, CEO of Netinfo; Atanas Raykov, General Manager of Viber for Central and Eastern Europe and Director Telecom partnerships; Paris Childress, Country Business Development Manager of Google for Bulgaria; Ivan Takev, CEO of Bulgarian Stock Exchange; Boyko Iaramov, Co-Founder of Telerik and Head of Telerik Academy.
The General Partner of the event for the 5th time is Telerik, a Progress Company.
startups are |
Officernd - Coworking space management platform for building prosperous communities and efficient workspaces.
Enhancv is a web platform that’s reinventing talent discovery by making job applications and job postings much more accurate and humancentric.
Windyweek - Highly accurate wind forecasts for windsurfers and kitesurfers available through an easy to use app.
ClaimCompass. They help air passengers receive a compensation when their flights have been delayed, cancelled or overbooked.
ShopUp – Web based platform for personalized targeting and offline customer analysis in retail sector.
Caret – They make a text editor, like Microsoft Word, but for a plain text format called Markdown.
Lucid – enables you to recreate your favorite photos into a magical artwork.
Tool.Domains – They have one of the largest databases of domain names and websites in the world.
Sugarwise – A mobile technology that puts an end to the healthy food scavenger hunt and learns to recommend to us the healthy foods they actually like.
BARIN – Wearable system for advanced tracking and analysis of the performance and physical condition of professional athletes and sports teams.